Internet Download Manager (IDMan) is a tool to download Internet files with comfort and speed. IDMan can download several files or file segments simultaneously, pause and resume downloads with a single click and even recover broken downloads from unexpected power shut off or network related problems. Simple graphic user interface makes IDMan application user friendly and easy to use.
IDMan uses dynamic file segmentation logic that significantly increases download speed by up to 30 percent over IDMan competitors like
Download Accelerator or GetRight(tm). IDMan can take over downloads from Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator for any file types of your choice. It then brings up its own download dialog where you gain additional control over your downloads
جدید ترین نسخه
اینترنت دانلود منجر امروز عرضه شد و
نسخه ای رو که در پایین مشاهده میکنید ۲۹ آگوست عرضه شده دقیقا ۴ روز پیش معلومه سازنده هاش شنگولن .
kheili bahali har chand aslan nigah nakardam bebinam chi hast too webloget bebakhshid albate
من وبلاگ تو هم دیدم خوبه میای با هم یه وبلاگ درست کنیم
hi khoobi? mamnoon az weblogo in barname ke man gereftam ali booddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd good luck bye